March 17, 2013


It's official I'm a dad. My little girl was born on March 17th at 1:03 am and weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 13 oz! Blowing away all family records on both sides. Her name is Ariana. A beautiful Russian name I heard on my mission in Siberia.
Mom and baby are doing great, thought my wonderful wife has had a rough time through out all this. Still she is one tough woman, going through a lot this last day with hardly any pain medication (this even being after she already had the baby). I know I couldn't have done it. Anyway things are going great and mom is recovering well. I'll post more later, but here's a pic to tide you over. Enjoy the explosion of cuteness.

March 15, 2013

Facial Hair: Chief Silverback XIII

War paint just isn't enough sometimes. To really intimidate your enemies fierce facial hair is needed.

March 12, 2013

Facial Hair: Master

A clear mind, inner peace, discipline, and great facial hair are the tools of the master. Cue cherry blossoms.

March 11, 2013

Facial Hair: State Fair

Ever been to a state fair? I have seen people like this wandering among the booths.

March 8, 2013

Facial Hair: Guru

Meditation is a means to free the mind, master yourself, and find peace.
On another note I found a new brush and loving the line work!

March 7, 2013

Facial Hair: Willie "Beef" Jameson

He may be a big man but he has a heart of gold, and a voracious appetite for burgers or anything that comes off a grill.

March 6, 2013

Facial Hair: Old West 'Stache

We're back! What a week of moving and unpacking everything that's been sitting in boxes for days. Well my life is finally stable enough that I could sit down and draw for the first time since moving.
This month is FACIAL HAIR. There are so many amazing specimens to choose, from the wildly unkempt beard to the trimmed and sculpted mustache. I'll be exploring this wild mysterious,and often bizarre world.