February 27, 2013

Life and Death 2

What a week. So much has happened and we finally have a chance to sit back.

First off we got a management position at an apartment complex this past week. Meaning we moved closer to my wife's doctor, and will be within walking distance from everything (two big pluses). Took less time than we thought, despite all of our stuff.
Second, as I mentioned my grandma passed away last week. We had the funeral today. It was really nice. Not really a sad time, but a celebration of a great life, and a realization of how many people she has blessed. So many things I never knew about my grandma... what an amazing woman.
The hardest thing was seeing my dad's grave right beside hers. I really miss him. Things will work out great though. An exciting new adventure, and soon a new life will begin for my daughter. I'm really looking forward to raising her.
Well enough digression. I will hopefully be able to get one last Legendary post in tomorrow. Then I will consult my Cup of Doom to see what the new theme this next month will be. So until tomorrow.

February 23, 2013

Legendary: Robin Hood

Again I apologize for the sporadic posts this week. Getting ready to move is really hampering my chances to sketch.

Anyway, the outlaw archer himself (minus his merry men). Still he is a man of many talents and from the book, an endless optimist.

February 21, 2013

Life and Death

I apologize for no sketch yesterday. As we are getting ready to welcome a daughter into our family, and move to a new/old town, all the excitement regrettably has been dampened by a passing of a great woman. My wonderful Grandma Hale sadly passed away yesterday at the age of 97. Sad, but at the same time I'm glad that she doesn't have to suffer anymore. I know she's in a wonderful place with our other loved ones who have passed on.

Legendary: Calamity Jane

Like I said earlier I really love the Old West. So here's another legend from that era. We have the one woman that was  the equal of any man (at least that's what she claimed).

February 18, 2013

Legendary: Hercules

Greek Demi-God, slayer of indestructible lions, many headed hydra, and many other deeds of Legend

February 16, 2013

Legendary: Ganondorf

Gotta say Ganon is one legendary villain. Not only is he the reincarnation of a demon king, but he is also the wielder of the Triforce of Power which he has used to revive himself after taking a sword through the chest. One of the best scenes in the series.

February 15, 2013

Legendary: Deadpool

I always considered Deadpool an awesome figure. Guy knows he is in a comic book and still he talks it up.

February 14, 2013

Legendary: Witch King of Angmar

One of the truly evil villains in literature. Commander of Sauron's forces, and one time ruler of the frozen North. He is really a force to be feared. Unless your a woman. Then your good.

February 12, 2013

Legendary: Joker

Legendary hero, legendary villain. I wasn't sure how I wanted to do the Joker. Either the messy or suave and clean cut, both are awesome and just set your teeth on edge.

February 11, 2013

Legendary: I am Batman!

There are very few heroes that are as legendary as the Dark Knight. Not only does he fight crime and take down super powered villains, he does it all without any super powers to speak of.

February 9, 2013

Legendary Status

Sorry only two sketches this time. Dang cold kept me from doing another one. Still we have the legendary Wyatt Earp and the surly Captain Ahab this time around.

Legendary: Capt. Ahab

The man with a bone to pick with one colossal white whale. Ruthless, stern and crazy to boot.

February 8, 2013

Legendary: Wyatt Earp

Okay we're back. Sorry for not posting yesterday. Colds are not conducive to creativity and focus. Anyway, here's the law of the old west.

February 7, 2013


Sorry no sketch today. It's been a few days with little sleep, and a head cold that isn't helping anything. So sorry but you'll have to wait till tomorrow.

February 6, 2013

Wizards, Witches, and Vampires

Loving this week! We have a stern, scholarly Merlin, a frosty, sadistic White Witch, and an evil, mysterious, Count Dracula. I gotta say I am really loving putting my own twist on these characters. Till Saturday.

Legendary: Count Dracula

Nothing like the original vampire of legend. He has it all, flight, hypnotic control, super strength, plus power over wolves. Yeah, the real Dracula is one of the neatest villains.

February 5, 2013

Legendary: Jadis (The White Witch)

So beautiful, so cold, so deadly. Jadis last queen of a dying world, and evil ruler of a new one. 

February 2, 2013

Legendary: Zorro

Since I did a villain last time I figured a hero would be a good choice for this time. I think I'm really starting to like the whole desperado/wild west thing.

February 1, 2013

Legendary: Blackbeard

So interesting fact. Blackbeard did in fact have lit fuses in his beard and hair to intimidate his victims. I thought the whole thing in Pirates of the Caribbean was just for effect. Go figure.

Theme of the Month: Legendary People

So my theme this month is legendary people. So what is a legendary person? There are obvious ones like Hercules, Zeus, Paul Bunyan, and so on. Are there others besides the mythological? How about the real life people like Wyatt Earp, or Sitting Bull? Then theres the more modern genre Darth Vader, Batman, etc. Are they also legendary? I guess we'll see if I can reason a few into my sketches.