February 27, 2013

Life and Death 2

What a week. So much has happened and we finally have a chance to sit back.

First off we got a management position at an apartment complex this past week. Meaning we moved closer to my wife's doctor, and will be within walking distance from everything (two big pluses). Took less time than we thought, despite all of our stuff.
Second, as I mentioned my grandma passed away last week. We had the funeral today. It was really nice. Not really a sad time, but a celebration of a great life, and a realization of how many people she has blessed. So many things I never knew about my grandma... what an amazing woman.
The hardest thing was seeing my dad's grave right beside hers. I really miss him. Things will work out great though. An exciting new adventure, and soon a new life will begin for my daughter. I'm really looking forward to raising her.
Well enough digression. I will hopefully be able to get one last Legendary post in tomorrow. Then I will consult my Cup of Doom to see what the new theme this next month will be. So until tomorrow.

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