July 30, 2013

On the way home from shopp...BAM!

You know even despite all the things you do to stay safe sometimes things just happen sometimes, though you can still find help even in bad situations. Like today.

Out on a family grocery run and on the way home we happened upon a truck trying to turn left at a blocked off intersection on the highway. A few cars slammed on the brakes and avoided hitting him, and we were able to stop in time, but unfortunately we were rear ended by another vehicle. Luckily it was at low speeds and no one was seriously injured.

There was lots of help from others. From a random stranger making sure everyone is okay, to our boss who was able to pick up my sister-in-law and daughter to take them home, to a family friend who was able to give us a ride to the car rental place after we got really lost.

We have been blessed and watched over through all this. The lesson I take from all this is that bad things just happen. Despite all you can do, but that doesn't mean that there isn't someone watching out for you. I have seen that today. There is no way that many kind people could have been in the right place at the right time just ready to help us like they were.

I'm a really lucky guy, I think life just wanted to remind me of that.

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