January 31, 2013

What have I done?

So a quick recap of my year long goal: To do a sketch a day, except Sundays, following a monthly theme, and only taking an hour to do so. 

Month One review? Not as bad as I thought it would be forcing myself to sketch everyday. I do it anyway, but setting constraints, rules, and being obligated to others is a lot different than just sketching for fun. Consistant long term goals has never been one of my better traits. 

Still I find it paradoxically liberating having to work with these restraints, even if they are just a few. I get to experiment and come up with weird off-the-wall ideas of what to sketch. It's fun! Already I notice that my ideas take less time to develop from scribble to rough sketch (They are still not full on final sketches, but hey I'm making progress). 

I also really enjoy seeing which of my ideas people like to look at. Everyday I find myself looking at the pageviews and seeing which sketch is on top for the week or month. Before my blog was dead, no new ideas, few post, and stagnation, but seeing that people would visit and enjoy my sketches has been a great thing to see. (Side note: Feel free to comment and any critiques, advice, or suggestions would be welcome)

So we begin the new month with another randomly chosen theme... But that's tomorrow's post. I guess you'll have to check in the morning to see what my "soup cup of doom" has chosen. 

PS I won't be doing a daily update form now on. I figured I've tortured you enough with my daily updates. I'll try a biweekly update, Wednesday and Saturday and see how that goes, but I'll still be posting daily if you want to check out the flavor of the day. 

Insects: Rumble Zeek

Funny name, funny bug. Over the top and weird was the choice for my last sketch under this theme. So tomorrow begins a new one we'll see what the cup decides tomorrow.

January 30, 2013

Insects: Tumble Bee

No wings. Shame. Still it's fun to just blow with the wind. Winding up who knows where.

January 29, 2013

Insects: AM/FM Bug

Who needs a radio? Just catch one of these from Valos-59 and your set for life. Just make sure to not get between the antennas, could fry your brain.

January 28, 2013

Insects: Branch Mantis

Why be a stick when you can be a whole branch, leaves and everything. What the heck, lets eat bigger things too!

January 26, 2013

Insects: Tribal Scout of the Cactus Tribe

Tribal wasps. They are very accommodating and helpful as long as you don't anger them, so no loud noises.

January 25, 2013

Insects: Meet the Stink Bug

Do you think stink bugs have feelings? They gotta be really lonely. I mean no one wants to get near them because of the stench. And its just their natural scent! Sad day :(

January 24, 2013

Insects: Sol Butterfly

So originally it was supposed to be a demon butterfly, but became an fire-winged butterfly that lives in the desert (for obvious reasons). I really liked playing with the flames as I sketched this. 

January 23, 2013

Insects: Beetlefrog

I don't think I would want one as a pet, but they would be awesome to see on the discovery channel.

January 22, 2013

Insects: Sparky

My lovely wife actually came up with the idea for this one. It's a really fuzzy ant that uses static charge build up, and natural electric generation in it's body to zap prey and predators. It can pack a punch. It can kill most small animals and paralyze bigger ones about the size of a rattle snake. Don't recommend going near one.

January 21, 2013

Insects: Venom Bug

So no sleep for 2 days, and a strange desire at 11pm to do a weird Venom insect symbiote produced this particular brand of nightmare fuel. Those without teddy bears to protect them may wish to avert their eyes.

January 19, 2013

Insects: Zuni Bee

I did a series awhile back of similar bugs, and a bee just fits right in with the rest. This one might end up as a full on illustration. So keep an eye out for it.

January 18, 2013

Insects: Sneak Fly

Weird chameleon/dragon fly hybrid that can blend in with any environment to hunt prey. You know sometimes I even scare myself with what comes out of my head.

January 17, 2013

Insects: El Guapo

Even bugs have their bounty hunters. If you want something underhanded done he's the one to talk to. If you survive the handshake that is.

January 16, 2013

Insects: Terra Beetle

What if there was a really big slow beetle that relied on camouflage, and natural defense from rocks and plants that formed over it's shell.

January 15, 2013

Insects: SK1T-R bug

So I finally got a little further in my sketching! Say hello to the SK1T-R, the most loyal and adorable little bug a boy can order online.

January 14, 2013

Insects: Censor Beetles

I like tribal masks and I keep seeing them in the designs on beetles backs, but that would be too stale. Instead we have them doing the censor monkey thing. Hear no... See no... Speak no...

January 12, 2013

Insects: The D-2 Bomber

Even bugs did their part for the war effort. Granted they only had bombs about the size of m-80's. Still, every bit helps.

January 11, 2013

Insects: Mantis Emperor

 I saw a picture of a mantis and started sketching it, and a happy accident occurred  Instead of an alien insect like I was planning, I saw an emperor instead. So I took the idea and ran with it.

He is a shrewd, sly, and cunning emperor, but he is wise and kind to his subjects.

January 10, 2013

Insect: Tribal Ant Shaman

What if ants had a tribal society and had mystics and shamans? I imagine only the oldest and wisest would be chosen. Hence the wise blind old ant.

January 9, 2013

Insect: Gorilla Beetle

Title says it all. Kinda reminded me of a Garthim from Dark Crystal when I sat back and looked at it. Still pretty sweet.

January 8, 2013

Insect: Ra'zac

The Ra'zac, anyone who has read Eragon will know what they're all about. I always imagined them to be very creepy and insect like, they're human sized creatures with exoskeletons and bug eyes for crying out loud! So here's insect sketch #2.

January 7, 2013

Insects: Bug Labor

Here's the first attempt at my daily theme. I was perusing pics of insects and I came across a treehopper and I had the idea of a bug that was used for manual labor (if there was something that big) 

2013 and Insects

I'm a little late in doing this, (I guess that resolutions should be sorted out before the new year) but I still want to change things this year and actually use this blog. So I'm publicly committing myself (even if it's only a few people that read this) to one of my goals.

I'm going to do an hour sketch a day, that fits into a theme. I got the idea from others who did one theme for the whole year, but I'd rather mix it up more than that so I decided on a monthly theme instead. The bottom line is to jump start my creative output, and improve the speed of my creative process. 
So each month I'll be picking a theme at random and creating hour sketches for a month along that theme. (I'll be posting these to show I did them) My deadline is midnight every night except Sunday. (Thats my vacation day)

I have other projects and goals that I may reveal later in the year, but those will take some time a preparation to ensure the maximum amount of amazing. So for now I will share this goal. I feel that it would work best if I publicly committed myself to an audience. 

So that's my plans to change things. Gotta start somewhere. So let the fun begin! I expect full disappointment and ridicule from you people each time I fail to meet a deadline. Praises and gifts if I make it through a whole month without missing a deadline. 

Theme of the Month: Insects
ready GO!