January 31, 2013

What have I done?

So a quick recap of my year long goal: To do a sketch a day, except Sundays, following a monthly theme, and only taking an hour to do so. 

Month One review? Not as bad as I thought it would be forcing myself to sketch everyday. I do it anyway, but setting constraints, rules, and being obligated to others is a lot different than just sketching for fun. Consistant long term goals has never been one of my better traits. 

Still I find it paradoxically liberating having to work with these restraints, even if they are just a few. I get to experiment and come up with weird off-the-wall ideas of what to sketch. It's fun! Already I notice that my ideas take less time to develop from scribble to rough sketch (They are still not full on final sketches, but hey I'm making progress). 

I also really enjoy seeing which of my ideas people like to look at. Everyday I find myself looking at the pageviews and seeing which sketch is on top for the week or month. Before my blog was dead, no new ideas, few post, and stagnation, but seeing that people would visit and enjoy my sketches has been a great thing to see. (Side note: Feel free to comment and any critiques, advice, or suggestions would be welcome)

So we begin the new month with another randomly chosen theme... But that's tomorrow's post. I guess you'll have to check in the morning to see what my "soup cup of doom" has chosen. 

PS I won't be doing a daily update form now on. I figured I've tortured you enough with my daily updates. I'll try a biweekly update, Wednesday and Saturday and see how that goes, but I'll still be posting daily if you want to check out the flavor of the day. 

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