January 7, 2013

2013 and Insects

I'm a little late in doing this, (I guess that resolutions should be sorted out before the new year) but I still want to change things this year and actually use this blog. So I'm publicly committing myself (even if it's only a few people that read this) to one of my goals.

I'm going to do an hour sketch a day, that fits into a theme. I got the idea from others who did one theme for the whole year, but I'd rather mix it up more than that so I decided on a monthly theme instead. The bottom line is to jump start my creative output, and improve the speed of my creative process. 
So each month I'll be picking a theme at random and creating hour sketches for a month along that theme. (I'll be posting these to show I did them) My deadline is midnight every night except Sunday. (Thats my vacation day)

I have other projects and goals that I may reveal later in the year, but those will take some time a preparation to ensure the maximum amount of amazing. So for now I will share this goal. I feel that it would work best if I publicly committed myself to an audience. 

So that's my plans to change things. Gotta start somewhere. So let the fun begin! I expect full disappointment and ridicule from you people each time I fail to meet a deadline. Praises and gifts if I make it through a whole month without missing a deadline. 

Theme of the Month: Insects
ready GO!

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